Thursday, December 27, 2007


... not Winston. : )

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Greetings!!! >: )

Of course, I wish you all the best, but I'm really fed up with all the Santas, snowflakes, people shopping like there's no tomorrow, happy-crappy songs and all the other unavoidable stuff year after year. So here you go...

Friday, December 14, 2007

Alan Macan ...

... or Darko Moore? : )

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Promocija odgođena!

Upravo sam obavješten da je promocija u Profilu odgođena za siječanj. : (

Monday, December 10, 2007

Promocija u Profilu!!!!

Album "Svebor i Plamena" možete kupiti u zagrebačkim strip-dućanima More Comics i Libellus, i na promociji koja će se održati u Profil Megastoreu, Bogovićeva 5, Zagreb, u petak 14.12.2007 u 19:30 sati. Na promociji će biti prisutna sva trojica autora: Darko Macan, Goran Sudžuka i Matija Pisačić od kojih ćete moći dobiti potpis i crtež. Vidimo se tamo!

Saturday, December 8, 2007


Two days ago, it was eight years since Edvin Biuković passed away. I wanted to write something about him but, frankly, I can't find the right words (especialy not in english) so I'll let the pictures speak ...

Highschool, oh the '80's!!!!
Prom night ...

Krazy in Brooklynn ...

... and cool in San Diego! : )
Just ... Eddy.
Those of you not lucky enough to have known him, still have an oportunity to enjoy in his art ...

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Romancing the Stone

I wish next book I'll be working on will take place in the desert ... : )

Friday, November 30, 2007


Cover for MaliQ. Guess who did the colours?

Monday, November 26, 2007


I prođe još jedan CRŠ...
Ko je doš'o zbog Cagora i Talijana, vjerovatno je otiš'o sretan.
"Svebor i Plamena" su zaglavili u štampariji, zajedno sa još nekoliko drugih albuma kojima sam se veselio. Aukcija je bila bruka, iako sam ja osobno dobro proš'o, pa se neću žalit.
Izostanak "S&P" mi je bio dovoljan razlog da preskočim crtanje, pa mi se cijeli festival sveo na druženje s ljudima što, priznat ćete, uopće nije loše. : )

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Vjerovatno već svi znate da sutra počinje jubilarni 10. Crtani Romani Šou, pa vam samo želim skrenut pažnju na par stvari...

U petak već u 17.30 (prije sluzbenog otvorenja) Matt Hollingsworth ima predavanje o koloriranju stripova. Mnogi među vama se sigurno igraju fotošopom (što iz hobija, što profesionalno) a Matt zna sve o tome, pa dođite, slušajte, pitajte, slušajte...

U subotu, u 15.00 biti će održana aukcija originalnih tabli. Izbor tabli je šarolik, a među njima biti će i moje dvije table iz stripa Lady Johanna Constantine. Dođite, bidajte, kupite...

U nedjelju, u 16.30 je promocija Fibrinih izdanja. Fibra izdaje je najbolje svjetske stripove kod nas, i totalni mi je egotrip što su Svebor i Plamena prvi domaći strip koji izdaju. Poslije Fibrine promocije slijedi Darkov Q, a onda CRTANJE ZA PUBLIKUUUUU!!!! : ))))
Svatko tko kupi album dobit će potpis i crtež (ako želi da mu šaram po knjizi, ili na posebnom papiru) , i jednu Y- the Last Man svesku !!!!
Pa dođite, slušajte, pitajte, listajte, kupujte, dobijte...

Walking down the London streets...

... Frazer and Fiona.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Svebor i Plamena

Finaly, my biggest Croatian work completed in one, big book! It's a black & white comic done for a Croatian school magazine "Modra Lasta", written by Darko Macan. I did five episodes, total of 80 pages. Had to leave it when "Outlaw Nation" kicked in. Darko continued working on it with Matija Pisačić as the artist.
It should be out (hopefully) in time for Crtani Romani Šou. In the meantime you can download BIG preview here.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Bits and pieces...

I've always loved my inks more then pencils.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Nibbing the kill

Since you liked the previous one, here's more. Although the second one is more brushwork. Pencils for the girls provided by Bob.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Friday, October 19, 2007

Killing the nib

Found this among the papers. I rarely keep those, but this one made it through the years ...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tea, anyone?

After gallons of tea and diet food, I'm feeling much better. Haven't had a cup of coffee for ten days now. Hrm, maybe I could quit it ... ? One addiction less ... Nah, the other ones could get lonely! They like company! >: )Anyway, I'm waaay behind the schedule now and gotta spend some extra time behind the drawing table, but looking forward to it. Here's a fresh bit ...

On the other news, there'll be signing at Profil Megastore. Here's the announcement copy/pasted from Tico's blog. Yes, it's in Croatian. I don't believe I have that big foreign fans who would fly to Zagreb just to get my signature! : )

U Profil Megastoreu, 19. listopada (petak) u 19h , održat će se druženje s domaćim strip-autorima koji objavljuju svoje radove pod otkriljem nakladnika Bookglobe/Strip-Agent. Radi se o strip crtačima, Igoru Kordeju (Tajna povijest, Cable), Goranu Sudžuki (Tajna povijest), Niki Barunu (Pipo, Krapinjonci) i Robertu Solanoviću (Mister Mačak). Neobavezno druženje s autorima, potpisivanje strip primjeraka i crtež od istih vam ne gine ukoliko se pojavite na ovom događanju.Možda i ja nešto nacrtam.Dobro nam došli!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Shit happens!

I've been ill for days now, but here's something I did right before the shit hit the fan.

Monday, October 8, 2007


Another link, another friend...
Ladies and Gentlemen, the one and only - Tico!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Rakija, rakija, rakija...

Whoa! Belgrade was fun! Intense, blured by drinks, but fun nevertheless (or just because)!
I went there with Esad...


...and Talaja.
It could only get better from there. >:)
Highest point of the first day was meeting Zoran Tucić. He did two comics in the late '80's that blew my teenager mind and I finally got to meet him 20 years after. Not only he's a talented artist, but also a person so kind to put up with couple of hours of my drunken slobbering!
He's second on the left, Marko Stojanović and Aco Sotirovski next to him. Ivan in the background.

Saturday started lovely, with the auction of the original art.
Beautiful hostess Jelena surely spiced up the whole event...
..but true joy was buying beautiful page drawn by Darko Perović! I know Darko for a long time and met him couple of times on previous visits to Belgrade, but this time we acctualy managed to sit down for a couple of coffees and have a normal, uninterupted conversation.
The whole festival was a long row of drinks with great people and I remeber lots of pictures been taken, but obviously taken by somebody else, because my camera's practicly empty. So, please, those of you that were more sobber, send me your pics, most of mine are totaly lame.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

White city

I'm leaving for Belgrade tonight. There's a comic-festival held there every year at the end of September and it's always great fun! I'm taking my camera, of course, so there'll be a lots of stupid faces to post again! In the meantime, here are some random drawings...