Sunday, April 26, 2009

In and out

It's been awhile since the last post. Not drawing much these days, but still managing to spend days quickly with little things that needed to be taken care of. Like finally sending the original art from "Chas" to the Splashpage Art. I'll let you know here when the pages are ready to be sold. Here's one of them ...

Browsing through those pages and getting the comps of "Chas" trade paper backs couple of days ago aroused mixed feelings in me, but the strongest one of them is that the whole thing is done long time ago.

I'm turning the corner, making a new step. Idle days are over.
And ... just so this post wouldn't go without any new drawing, here's a scan of a pencilless doodle, which you can see on photo, too.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Some of you might get the impression that I'm not doing any real work these days, which would be sooooo wrong! >:)
So, here are some illos I did for Croatian magazine "Klik". Like many times before, Tonci did the colors.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Eto, Laktaše smo preživjeli. I to bez ogrebotine. : )
Fotke možete vidjet ovdje.
A u petak je nova tura Profilove stripaonice. Bit će promocija izdanja godine. Ne propustite!!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Počevši s Framafu-om, otvorena je sezona festivaljenja. Jednom mjesečno mi ne gine neko putovanje. Tako sam ovaj vikend u Laktašima.
Ko preživi, pričat će ... : )

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

PechaKucha Night Zagreb - Vol.2

I'll be one of the presenters at PechaKucha Night in Zagreb. Here you can find out more about what PechaKucha is. This is the second time PKN is held in Zagreb. Here you can see TV clip about last year's event.

For the locals who might be interested in seeing me sweating under the spotlight, here's the map to the place.