Saturday, October 18, 2008



Bob said...

Vidim da ti je fino leg'o onaj Lark što sam ti ga posudio. :P Iako bi ovo možda više bio Sean Phillips... Možda.

dzuka said...

uf, tek ces vidjet! : )
ovo je brushpenom bez olovke nabrzinu.

Skicoslav said...

Tako i treba druže! Nem ase tu kaj radit olovke, ćista emocija.
Super ovo zgleda, znaš?

dzuka said...

epafala...: )

Michael Heide said...

But... but why?

dzuka said...

i don't know. boyfriend left her? world economy crises?
anyway, this is not my state of mind.
i'm fine, 'cept for the sore shoulder as a result of too much sleeping. : )

Roberto Zaghi said...

Love this one!

dzuka said...

thanks, roberto!
you know, you should move to live here, in zagreb. everybody would call you zaghi! :)

hrvoje said...

ovo je art!

Roberto Zaghi said...

Hey Goran, I just saw your reply to this old comment of mine... now tell me: is "zaghi" the usual word for Zagreb citizens? :-)

dzuka said...

wow, after more then two years!!! : )
no, it's not a usual word for zagreb citizens, but it's kind of nickname, after a mascot for the youth olympics we had in zagreb in the '80's.