Thursday, May 17, 2007
Conan the barbarian in Makarska!!!!
I'm packing my things and leaving tonight for Makarska where Mafest is held from 18th to 20th of May. It's gonna be lots of fun and maybe I'll post some photos while I'm there. If not, there'll be extensive report when I'm back. The drawing I'm posting here is done for the charity auction that's gonna be held there on Saturday, aiming to help a kid that needs an operation.

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Give us an update on how much money you get for this fine piece of art ;)
ni kune.... sve otislo u dobrotvorne svrhe....
eto, odgovoreno ti je. na znam tocno ko ju je kupio, al rekli su mi da je 400 kuna iskrcano za njega.
"You" kao "vi", koliko se na kraju dobilo a ne jesi li i koliko si ti dobio od toga. Nisam mahnit, pa pročitao sam da je bilo u dobrotvorne svrhe... ;)
Inače, baš mi je žao što nisam imao vremena da ostanem cijeli vikend, ali dogodine sigurno.
e, jebo ga taj nedoreceni engleski! : )
meni je zao sto sam propustio aukcije. zabrbljao sam se sa sendom pred art cafeom.
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