I apologize for this violent outburst of racism, but for months now comments on my blog have been exposed to some Chinese spam. I've been patiently erasing them, hoping they'll go away, but it only got worse. I hate word verification, but now I have to enable it. So, in need of steaming out the frustration, I had to blow someone's head off!
I've got nothing against the rest of the 1,335,609,999 Chinese, and I hope word verification won't stop you from commenting. : )
uuu! sad kad ti trijade zakucaju na vrata! :)
Got my vote. Word verification sucks.
That yellow bastard!:)
Sta mu se to desilo?
Ni kriv ni duzan!
My first thought was that you blew off Usagi's head. Whew! :-)
Catching up on your blog. Gorgeous pieces
oh, c'mon ty! i'd never do that to beloved rabbit!
and thanks for the compliments. enjoy! more coming soon ...
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