It's official now. I'm working on two fill-in issues for regular Hellblazer series. Peter Milligan is writing it, I'll provide the pencils and Rodney Ramos is inking it. Cover illustration (below) is done by Lee Bermejo.
Consider it already pre-ordered. One question though, out of curiosity: How much time do you have for it? IIRC, you had a lot of time in advance for the Chas mini, and the detailed pages really benefitted from that time.
@ mimi, marko - je, bermejo je bolji od fabryja koji bas nije u formi vec dugo, al meni ni on nije bas neki majstor. puno shmiranja, a osnovni crtez cesto los. @ mario - fala! :) @ michael - no, worries. i have enough time (a month per issue) because i'm only penciling it. rodney ramos (of transmetropolitan fame) is inking it. should be interesting combination. : )
Dobar ovaj Lee Bermejo,cestitam na Hellblazer-u :)
Bermejo radi za tri klase bolje naslovnice od skorasnjih Fabrijevih. My two cents.
yeah,super news,gorane !
Consider it already pre-ordered. One question though, out of curiosity: How much time do you have for it? IIRC, you had a lot of time in advance for the Chas mini, and the detailed pages really benefitted from that time.
hehe, i got 4 M-s! :P
@ mimi, marko - je, bermejo je bolji od fabryja koji bas nije u formi vec dugo, al meni ni on nije bas neki majstor. puno shmiranja, a osnovni crtez cesto los.
@ mario - fala! :)
@ michael - no, worries. i have enough time (a month per issue) because i'm only penciling it. rodney ramos (of transmetropolitan fame) is inking it. should be interesting combination. : )
gorane,jer istina da dolazis na festival u münchen???
a i city tours najavite...jel nürnberg ultra-comix na listi??
da. bit cu na pravoj turneji. ko neki rock star! : )
od 8. do 15. juna - stuttgart, frankfurt, hannover, nurnberg, munchen.
yeahhhhhhhhhhh......garant ce alex ''boss'' bubenheimer biti sa tobom!
ima da u nürnbergu opicimo jedno pivce :-)
naravno, bubi je i gazda i domacin.:)
javit cu jos detaljan plan gostovanja, pa se svakako vidimo.
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